Cheat Dota 2 Console commands
Console is additional ingame function which binds the commands for not only setting that are in menu. Console is available after input the suitable command in "Set launch options".
You can open console in this way: Library⇒ Games⇒ Dota 2 (right-click) ⇒ Properties ⇒ Set Launch Options
Console in main menu
To open the console in the game bind the hotkey in the main menu
More information about "Set launch options" read in the article Installing Dota 2.
Main menu settings - Dota 2 Settings.
Config - ia a set of favourite user's commands (existing, updated or as separate file) that can be used when you lanch the game.
File Autoexec.cfg
Than go to the folder where is the game's config is located: Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg.
If you use the standard direction for the Steam installation:
- For 32-bit Windows: C:/Program Files /Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg;
- For 64-bit Windows: C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/dota 2 beta/dota/cfg
- Right-click in the folder ⇒ New ⇒ Text documentAutoexec.cfg ⇒ Yes
It will be opened with Notepad where you can update or delete your binded commands.
After the first game the content of created "autoexec.cfg" can be replaced in the main config - config.cfg. To prevent it - right-click on config.cfg ⇒ Properties ⇒ Attributes ⇒ Read-only.
The last step - bind the command that allows to apply your file automatically to the game.
Steam ⇒ Library⇒ Right-click on Dota 2 - Properties ⇒ Set Launch Options ⇒ +exec autoexec.cfg
Important! Commands have to be written without quotation marks; in the file autoexec.cfg - WITH quotation marks.
Standard values.
- rate "80000" - Max bytes/sec the host can receive data..
- cl_updaterate "30" - Number of packets per second of updates you are requesting from the server.
- cl_cmdrate "30" - Max number of command packets sent to server per second.
- cl_interp "0.05" - Sets the interpolation amount (bounded on low side by server interp ratio settings)..
- cl_interp_ratio "2" - Sets the interpolation amount.
- cl_smooth "1" - Smooth view/eye origin after prediction errors.
- cl_smoothtime "0" - Smooth client's view after prediction error over this many seconds.
- mat_vsync "1" - Force sync to vertical retrace.
- r_screenspace "1" - smoothing is on.
Other parameters
- con_enable "1" - console is activated.
- fps_max "120" - Frame rate limiter..
- cl_showfps "1" - Draw fps meter. FPS (Frame per second).
- retry - Retry connection to last server.
- volume "0.5" - game's volume.
- snd_musicvolume "0" - music's volume.
net_graph - draw the network usage graph.
- net_graph "1" - shows information about internet connection (in the lower right corner of the screen): fps, ping, sent, recieved and lost packets.
- net_graphinsetleft "-50" - net_graph insert from left.
- net_graphinsetbottom "300" - net_graph insert from bottom.
- net_graphpos "1" - change net_graph's location. 1 - on the left, 2 - in the centre, 3 - on the right.
- net_graphproportionalfont "0" - change the size of net_graph (from 0 to1).
Computer has poor performance
Standard commands that are recommended for users, to up fps:
- dota_cheap_water "1"
- cl_globallight_shadow_mode "0"
- r_deferred_height_fog "0"
- r_deferred_simple_light "1"
- r_screenspace_aa "0"
- mat_vsync "0"
- dota_force_right_click_attack "1" - deny creeps by right-click.
- dota_player_units_auto_attack "1" - auto-attack.
- dota_shop_force_hotkeys "1" - buy items by hotkeys.
- dota_player_add_summoned_to_selection "1" - automatically adds summoned creeps in controlled group.
dota_apm - actions per minute (displayed in console only).
ping (for console) - shows all players ping; -ping (for chat) - your ping and lost packages - in the upper right corner of the screen.
dota_always_show_hero_names "1" - shows nickname above the hero.
dota_disable_range_finder "0" - shows the range of spells.
dota_camera_speed "3000" - camera speed.
dota_camera_accelerate "50" - camera acceleration.
dota_hide_cursor "1" - hide mouse cursor.
dota_cheap_water "1" - quality of water.
r_shadows "1" - shadows are on.
dota_topbar_buyback_time "25" - time - displays buyback.
hud_sticky_item_name - change the sticky item. For example: hud_sticky_item_name "item_ward_observer". The list of items names.
dota_screen_shake "1" - screen shake when your hero uses spells.
dota_player_multipler_orders "1" - an order to all controllable units by holding down the CTRL key when you click.
dota_unit_fly_bonus_height "150" - increase / reduce (the hight) the distance of flying units - from the ground.
dota_gamescom_althack "0" - QWE и ASD + ALT = inventory hotkeys.
dota_unit_use_player_color "1" - intensify units.
Commands that display the instantaneous removal of enemy hero's HP
dota_health_hurt_threshold "99999"
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_max "0"
dota_health_hurt_decay_time_min "0"
dota_health_hurt_delay "0"
dota_pain_decay "0"
dota_pain_factor "0"
dota_pain_fade_rate "0"
dota_pain_multiplier "0"
You can set the delimiter in the healthbar of the hero. It can help to easily navigate in the amount of your hp. It can be done with the following console command:Example- dota_health_per_vertical_marker 250 (250 - standard value) - how much health between each vertical line in the health bars.;
- dota_health_marker_major_alpha 255 (255 - standard value) - indicator of a thick vertical line;
- dota_health_marker_minor_alpha 128 (128 - standard value) - indicator of a thin vertical line;
- dota_health_per_vertical_marker 9999999 - turn off the lines.
- dota_no_minimap "1" - hide minimap.
- dota_minimap_hero_size "600" - heroes size on the minimap.
600 1000- dota_minmap_simple_colors "1" - dichromatic minimap: green - allies; red - enemies.
- dota_minimap_hide_background "1" - hide minimap background.
Ehemies colours on the minimap. Value from 0 to 255- dota_enemy_color_b ""
- dota_enemy_color_g ""
- dota_enemy_color_r ""
Allies colours on the mini-map. Value from 0 to 255- dota_friendly_color_b ""
- dota_friendly_color_g ""
- dota_friendly_color_r ""
Neutral creeps colours on the minimap. Value from 0 to 255- dota_neutral_color_b ""
- dota_neutral_color_g ""
- dota_neutral_color_r ""
- dota_minimap_show_hero_icon "1" - shows hero icons when you hold "ALT" down; value "0" - shows hero's names.
- dota_hud_flip "1" - minimap on the right.
- dota_hud_colorblind "1" - color-blind mode.
- dota_hud_healtbar_number "1" - shows healthbar as a number (above the hero).
- dota_minimap_misclick_time "0.2" - Minimum time after the mouse enters the minimap before we accept a move command. Used to prevent misclicks.
Binds - the opportunity to set a command or a number of selected phrases with a particular hotkey.If the phrases that are offered by developers are not enough for you, so you can bind your own phrases. For example:- bind F5 "say_team Your own phrase
Rune spots binds- bind "hotkey" "dota_camera_setpos -2273.898682 1232.745483 982.072876" - top rune.
- bind "hotkey" "dota_camera_setpos 3035.773438 -2972.680176 966.072937" - bottom rune.
Show current time of the game in chat - letter "j"- bind "j" "chatwheel_say 57"
Commands that have to be input in game chat- -lvlup "25" - set your hero's level.
- -gold "1000" - set the necessary amount of gold.
- -wtf - removes cooldown of the spells and they won't spend yur hero's mana; -unwtf - remove wtf mode.
- -item "title" - gives the certain item to the hero.
- -givebots item "title" - gives the certain item to bots.
- -refresh - restore health, mana and remove cooldown of abilities.
- -respawn - respawn the dead hero.
- -startgame - sets a timer for0:00 and the game will begin.
- -spawncreeps - new wave of creeps.
- -disablecreepspawn - disables the creeps spawning; -enablecreepspawn - disable this command.
- -spawnneutrals - neutral creeps spawns.
- -spawnrune - new rune.
- -createhero "name" - creates allied hero; -createhero "name" enemy - creates enemy hero. for example: -createhero tidehunter enemy; -createhero life_stealer.
- -levelbots "25" - set bots level.
- -allvision - allows to see the map in range of enemy heroes vision; -normalvision - disable command.
Console commands- dota_bot_set_difficulty "" - level of bot's difficulty: 0 - easy, 1 - medium, 2 - hard, 3 - unfair.
Heroes names
There are some heroes whose commands names are different from the ingame names.Commands: -createhero npc_dota_hero_ancient; -createhero npc_dota_hero_ancient enemy.Items titles
The same with the items. The list of the commands:Full command for items: -givebots item_"abyssal_blade"; -item item_"abyssal_blade"
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